Pediatrics and neonatology
U| Department of pediatrics and neonatology, the department is supervised by a group of consultants and professors of pediatrics and Neonatology, in addition to the specialists, who are available 24/7.
Moreover, there is a trained and qualified nursing team to deal with children, newborns and premature babies.

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U| Department of pediatrics and neonatology, the department is supervised by a group of consultants and professors of pediatrics and Neonatology, in addition to the specialists, who are available 24/7.
Moreover, there is a trained and qualified nursing team to deal with children, newborns and premature babies.
And pediatrics department also contains pediatric cardiology clinic which is supervised by a group of pediatrics cardiology consultants which is concerned in diagnosis, treatment and follow up of different congenital heart diseases and different types of arrhythmias and the clinic includes echocardiography from day one of age.
First, The internal section:
In which moderate cases are handled, for example, but not limited to cases of bronchitis, gastroenteritis and Fever of unknown cause.
The treatment is carried out after conducting all the necessary examinations, analyzes and x-rays.
Second, pediatric intensive care:
Pediatric Intensive Care treats all pediatric diseases that need intensive care, including but not limited to coma due to hyperglycemia, cases of children's seizures, cases of pneumonia and cases of acute heart failure, Moreover, intensive care deal with surgical cases before and after pediatric surgeries, including neurosurgery, orthopedic and gastrointestinal surgeries.
Third, intensive care for babies and newborns (Incubators):
All children in the NICU are examined in all critical cases, comprising:
• hyperbilirubinemia and physiological hyperbilirubinemia.
• All cases of premature and low uterine age infants from 25 to 36 weeks.
• Brain hypoxia or neonatal sepsis.
• Cases of inborn error of metabolism.
• Cases of surgical birth defects in all body systems, comprising the nervous system, the digestive system. etc. They are examined before and after the surgical operation as the NICU is fully equipped for children from the age of one day to 29 days.