Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

ELARABY Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery department provides medical care: (Treatment of the lower jaw joint problems - Reconstruction of jaw bones for dental implantation - Dental implants - Reconstructive Surgery)

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

ELARABY Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery department provides medical care:

• Treatment of the lower jaw joint problems.

• Reconstruction of jaw bones for dental implantation.

• Dental implants.

• Reconstructive Surgery.

• Treatments for oral and maxillofacial deformities.

• Plastic surgery and reconstruction of the face and jaws bones.

• Using bone braces to rebuild the bones of the jaws and face.

• Maxillofacial fractures, restoring & fixing all fractures from inside the mouth.

• Excision of cysts and benign tumor.

• Treatment of cancerous tumors in the jaw, face and neck, and replacement operations for the missing parts.

• Reconstruction of the jaw and facial bones after tumor removal.

• Treatment of hemangioma.

• Cases of homogenous pyronin (Pierre Robin syndrome).

• Upper cleft palate treatment, reconstruction of the upper maxillary bones using osteoplasty.

• Impacted wisdom teeth.

• Surgeries for benign and cancerous tumors of the primary and secondary salivary glands.

• Closure of the fistulas of the mouth and sinuses.

• Treatment of congenital malformations of the face and jaws.


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